Thursday, March 18, 2010

Life is wonderful

Life is wonderful. When all hopes seem to have vanished, all of a sudden, out of the blue, a silver lining appears. I encountered this experience recently. Wow…what an experience it was. The whole episode re-affirms what I’ve always believed…..”Just do your best, have faith and leave the rest to fate”. It’s not always easy when the odds are not really in your favour. But I’m glad I did not give up. I did not wallow in self pity…..and now, looking back I think I’ve also learned some invaluable lessons. Trying to capture the positive ones always, and l hope I’ll become a better person in the process.

And life goes on…..and I know there are more obstacles ahead. I hope I’ll always be ready for them. Alhamdulillah for your continued guidance and blessings.


Anakmami said...

experiencing the ups and downs of life huh???

Speedy No. 9 said...
