Thursday, February 4, 2010

Hari Ni Tak Stress Lagi (Stress Buster 101)

The much awaited meeting with the customer interface team from UK went without a hitch. I thank God for giving me the strength and for guiding me through...... Alhamdulillah.

I’ve been preparing for it for quite a while. The issues at stake are critical and I’ve been pursuing them from all angles, while analysing all possible options and alternatives. I’ve also been compiling and updating the relevant data required for this meeting, with the assistance from a young, energetic but fairly inexperience engineer (his 3rd week on the job). We toiled for days scrutinising all the information both in our records as well as the other party’s. To up the ante a little (I’m being modest here by saying a little), there’s a follow on support contract being negotiated which I’m expected to play an active role and a last minute presentation which I had to assist with one day before the meeting. The news of huge cut on our operating expenditure was also made known one day before the meeting. Pile all them up together, and having to work through till 2am the night before........I could have easily accepted defeat even before the battle began.

Fortunately, my preparation for the meeting was ready well ahead of time. I even had the opportunity to explain the “talking points” (yup....talking points were prepared for every single one of the 22 items on the agenda) to the Chairman at 3pm the day before. I was ready alright...but my stress level was at an all time high. I was still sane and highly my standard that is.

Thank God, I said the meeting went really well. Some people felt the heat, and even I had some explanations to do. Some received pleasant surprises, while some got more than what they bargained for (sorry mate....). Me......I am extremely happy with the way things turned out. The meeting even finished by lunch time although it was initially planned to be conducted in two sessions (morning and afternoon). My hard work had paid off.....and I am optimistic for better things to come through as a result of this meeting.

Don’t get me wrong......there’s still a bunch to be done. I have told myself before that this year is going to be a challenging one. More stress is coming my way...that’s a given. But for now I am glad this one is safely in the bag. I had grilled lamb for lunch, followed by Haagen Dazs ice cream and coffee at one of my favourite restaurants; the Capri. I then overindulged during steamboat dinner with the family. I’m feeling bloated while writing this blog now. My kind wife has made me a huge mug of tea to douse any possibility of indigestion or worse, my throwing up. I’m stuffed, but I am off the excruciating stress I’ve been feeling these past few days. I’m taking a much deserved one day leave tomorrow.....and the early morning golf therapy will definitely rejuvenate my hunger for more....yup...bring it on.

Here's to help you IT savvy guys out there to wind down......
(click on the pic for full size view)

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